Our address:
2062 Laurel Pt Isabel Road
Moscow, OH 45153
Please be aware that you can access Country Lane Pet Resort
using State Route 52 and State Route 232 which in most cases
will provide you the best driving options. Other routes exist,
but these roads are two lane, twisty roads that often are not treated.
Frequently Asked Questions
What does pick up and delivery cost?
Our pick-up and delivery service prices are very fair and based on your location. Send an email to with the details of your location and we will provide you our costs.
What vaccinations are required to board my dog at Country Lane?
For the safety of all the pets who board with us, we recommend all core vaccines are given 2 weeks prior to their visit with us.
In brief, your dog must have current DHLP – Parvo, Rabies and Bordetella Vaccinations to stay at Country Lane. In addition, we now require the Canine Influenza vaccine for all of our canine guests.
Having your best friend’s vaccinations up to date is an important step in protecting his health. No dog will be permitted to board at Country Lane unless his vaccinations are up to date. If you simply cannot get your dog to the vet for vaccinations or we determine vaccinations are not current upon arrival, we’ll do it for you. You must present proof of vaccination as provided by your vet upon check in. Before you board with us, be sure your pet is protected.
What vaccinations are required to board my cat at Country Lane?
Feline friends need protection from disease too. Vaccinations for cats are less straight forward than those required for dogs. Some vets recommend a Leukemia vaccination while other vets won’t give it. The same is true for the FIP vaccine. At Country Lane we recommend the following shots: RCP (sometimes listed as FVRCP), Rabies and Feline Leukemia. However, if your vet doesn’t believe these shots are in the best interest of your pet, let us know and we’ll make an exception. We’ve come to this conclusion after discussing the matter with local vets. Please note that Rabies is legally required for all pets even if you never intend to board them.
What should I do if I don’t have my pet’s vaccinations up to date?
It’s easy! Country Lane will take your pet to our kennel vet and have your shots done for you! This service carries a charge of $30.00 dollars plus the cost of the vaccinations. Please let us know prior to boarding that you desire this service so that we can make an appointment for your pet.
What about food for my pet during her stay?
Country Lane Pet Resort is proud to be apart of the Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky dog community. We also proud to support our locally based businesses and serve Iams brand foods to our guests. If your dog or cat requires something else, you are welcome to provide it. In fact, we are big fans of maintaining a guests diet since a sudden change in their diet can sometimes bring on an upset stomach which can result in a soft stool. Please be certain your pet is familiar with any diet you bring.
Do your pets meals at home require considerable preparation? No worries ………….. we are accustomed to meeting the most unusual requests and sometimes consider ourselves to be short order chefs. We have had just about every request you can imagine from cooking steaks and hamburger to slicing and dicing vegetables in preparation for a vegan diet. If your pet requires mixed food, just bring it along. Country Lane will be happy to help keep your pet on his regular diet by preparing it. .. again at no additional charge.
What does it cost to have you pet as our guest?
Good News! Country Lane is an all inclusive resort! This means we don’t charge extra to walk your dog or give it a treat on occasion. Board, meals, exercise time and cookie breaks are all included in our rate. Please keep this in mind when you compare our costs with other kennels. Most facilities charge anywhere from $5.00 to $8.00 for 5 & 10 minute leash walks, and $1.00 or more every time they administer medication or provide a special diet need. These extra charges add up in a hurry. At Country Lane Pet Resort our current charges are posted HERE.
When can I bring my pet or pick him up?
Our office hours are designed to accommodate even the busiest travel schedules:
Mon-Fri (8 AM – 7 PM)
Sat (9 AM – 5 PM)
Sun (9 AM – 4 PM)
Can I bring toys and bedding for my pet?
At Country Lane, we want to your pet to be comfortable while boarding. You’re welcome to bring toys and bedding with you. A few suggestions though:
If you have an expensive dog bed, leave it at home. Dogs behave differently when they are boarding and sometimes shred their bedding. If we find your pet has shredded his bedding, we’ll take it away from him (ingested cloth can be a serious medical problem) but her bed will never be the same.
Make sure the bedding you bring is washable. We want to keep your pet’s area clean.
Small kitchen rugs make excellent bedding. The braided kind you put in front of the sink. You may notice that your pet sleeps on it a good bit of the time at home! They wash easily and provide a good barrier between the dog and floor. An old beach towel is also good choice. They’re big and comfortable, and if they were bought on that vacation years ago it won’t be a great loss if your pet chews them up. We can also wash them if need be. You may want to let your pet sleep on them at home a day or two before boarding so that both the scent of the pet as well as your home are on the towel.
If you bring toys, we suggest NylaBones, Kongs, Booda bones and so on. Don’t bring rawhide unless you have given them to your pet REPEATEDLY in the past and are sure they won’t pose a hazard. We’ve got plenty of tennis balls, so no need to bring your own. Plastic toys are not a good idea since they’re a choking hazard.
Please be sure to label anything you wish to have your pet’s belongings returned to you at the conclusion of your his or her stay with us.
Can my pet be groomed while at Country Lane?
At Country Lane, we provide you with options. A deluxe exit bath that makes your pet smell great is $15.00. We can also arrange a complete grooming for your pet while he is with us. Just let us know what your needs are.
What happens if my pet becomes sick or is injured while staying at Country Lane?
Of course we want your pet to remain healthy while he stays in our kennel, but from time to time a guest does become ill. If your pet gets sick we take him to the vet promptly. If possible, we’ll take your pet to the vet of your choice. If your pet becomes ill after hours or on the weekends, we have an arrangement with an emergency vet clinic who will take our guests 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All expenses associated with a visit to the veterinarian’s office will be passed on to the client with no extra charge. You will also be responsible for transportation and any veterinarian charges. As a kennel, some vets are gracious enough to give us a discount for services rendered. Any discounts will be passed on to the pet owner.
Still have more questions? Feel free to contact us!
Need directions?
Click here to make your reservations online.